Earn extra income with our crypto affiliate program

Partner with the industry leader in crypto payments which is trusted by thousands of businesses and earn high commissions.

How its works

Learn how to earn with our affiliate program in just 3 steps

Get link

Create an account and get your personal affiliate link.

Share link

Share it in any way you want with your audience and connections.


Get profit from every transaction processed by your referrals.

Discover why businesses choose us

First of its kind

By paying only minimum subscriptions fees, businesses do not have to settle for giving custody of their funds to any 3rd party.

Zero commission

If we can’t have access to your funds, we can't deduct a commission, so its ZERO commission!

No KYC or commitment

your wallet, your customer, Who are we to intervene ! Use it as much as you want and no hussle-bussle!

Ready-to-use solutions

Account registration in less than a minute to start accepting payments, donations, and many other services instantly.

Benefits of Affiliate Program

Earn 25% from the profit gained by OYF.IO fee from each referral during one year.

Track your affiliates' performance in real-time through the dashboard.

No limit cap on earnings, invite as many partners as you can.

Monthly airdrops on more then 5 subscription per month.


Quick transaction confirmation


Years of experience in crypto payment


Free, seamless transfers within OYF